Louisa Herridge
"Could reading a bedtime story change the world?"
Louisa is a business, writing and Positive Psychology coach, author and speaker. She has overcome many adversities in life, including domestic abuse, debt, and living with chronic pain, which led to depression and major back surgery. She is a solo mum to her daughter.
Louisa left a successful 16-year English teaching career in 2021 to prioritise her and her daughter’s mental health and created a new path in life. She followed her passion and purpose to write, inspire and empower others.
Louisa lives a busy life juggling running a business and adventures with her ‘mini-me’. She is a motivational speaker and runs courses, masterclasses, VIP Accelerator days and group events coaching women in business to believe in themselves.
She is a three times best-selling author and also coaches women to use their stories of overcoming adversity in book collaborations, two of which have become bestsellers in the UK and the USA.